Welcome to the Read.Write.Repeat. monthly wrap-up. Every month, I give a quick overview of what books I read, the progress made on my reading goals, a few book-related links, and general blog news.

August was a really good month. Very busy, as every month has seemed to be this year, but good. We went to Michigan to see my in-laws, went to my cousin's beautiful wedding, and celebrated my birthday. Plus, I had an incredible weekend in D.C. with my very best friends. With the exception of going to Italy with Kevin earlier this summer, that weekend as the best trip I've had in years. All that plus two works trips and taking on some more responsibilities over at Pantsuit Politics.
Despite that schedule, it's been one of the best reading months I've had this year. I reclaimed the time I've typically spent blogging and put it into reading. I read things I wanted to and thought little of anything I "should" be reading. It was delightful. Taking away the pressure of blogging about what I was reading really let me sink into some of the books I read in a way I haven't in a long time. I read for pure pleasure and didn't analyze everything. It was a nice change. For everything there is a season, I suppose.
Even though I'm not going to write full reviews, I thought I'd leave you with a sentence or two about each book I read so you have my impressions at least. Let me know what you think of this format.
August News
Hello, friends! It feels like it's been so long. It's been a whole month since I last posted. I ended July with a resolution to find more balance in my life and part of that necessitated putting the blog on hold for a while. I'm not writing reviews of each book I read any longer, but I am going to continue these monthly posts. I love this community too much to abandon it entirely.
August was a really good month. Very busy, as every month has seemed to be this year, but good. We went to Michigan to see my in-laws, went to my cousin's beautiful wedding, and celebrated my birthday. Plus, I had an incredible weekend in D.C. with my very best friends. With the exception of going to Italy with Kevin earlier this summer, that weekend as the best trip I've had in years. All that plus two works trips and taking on some more responsibilities over at Pantsuit Politics.
Despite that schedule, it's been one of the best reading months I've had this year. I reclaimed the time I've typically spent blogging and put it into reading. I read things I wanted to and thought little of anything I "should" be reading. It was delightful. Taking away the pressure of blogging about what I was reading really let me sink into some of the books I read in a way I haven't in a long time. I read for pure pleasure and didn't analyze everything. It was a nice change. For everything there is a season, I suppose.
Even though I'm not going to write full reviews, I thought I'd leave you with a sentence or two about each book I read so you have my impressions at least. Let me know what you think of this format.
Books Reviewed
None! Maybe next month...
Books Read
- Present Over Perfect - Shauna Niequist
Powerful and timely for me. I love Shauna's writing and this one came at a perfect moment in my life. - A Swiftly Tilting Planet - Madeleine L'Engle
As much as I adore A Wrinkle in Time, I've been rather disappointed by the next two books in the series. I don't think I'll read the last two. - Warcross - Marie Lu
I was really surprised how much I liked this. It reminded me a touch of Ready Player One. I can't wait for the sequel this fall! - Among the Hidden - Margaret Peterson Haddix
This has been on my TBR forever. It was fine, but geared toward younger readers than I thought. I probably won't read the sequel. - My Beloved World - Sonia Sotomayor
I knew basically nothing about Sotomayor before reading her memoir. I learned a lot and it was the perfect read for my D.C. weekend. - My Kitchen Year - Ruth Reichl
I've read a lot of Reichl's work, so it was fun to pick up the cookbook she wrote in conjunction with leaving Gourmet. - Euphoria - Lily King
This was a beautifully written book, but I didn't find it particularly memorable. - Everything Happens for a Reason - Kate Bowler
Just read this. Read it. Read it. Read it. I saw Bowler speak at a conference this spring and, despite how moving she was then, I am kicking myself for not picking up her book until now. - Daring Greatly - Brene Brown
I've enjoyed reading Brown's books less than I thought I would. They've all been very good, but I'm wondering if I've heard her distill her content too much in interviews and her books, including this one, have felt drawn out to me.
Pages Read: 2,400
Favorite Book Read: I read some good one's but Kate Bowler's bestseller stood head and shoulders above them all.
2018 Goals
- 1 Faith-Centered or Philosophical Book
Present Over Perfect - Shauna Niequist
Everything Happens for a Reason - Kate Bowler
Daring Greatly - Brene Brown - 1 Political of Issue-Driven Book
My Beloved World - Sonia Sotomayor - 1 Book Written by a Minority Author
Warcross - Marie Lu
My Beloved World - Sonia Sotomayor
I also am trying to work my way through my TBR list. My goal is to get from 350 books on the list to 200. That means lowering that number by 13 in some form or fashion every month. Here's how that went this month:
- Books Read: 9
- Books Removed: 3
- Books Added: 3
- Total Count for the Month: -9
- Books Remaining on TBR: 250
As I mentioned last month, I'm running out of books to cull from the list and getting down to things I just want to read! Though I technically missed the goal again this month, I'm still on track to hit my goal for the year. Kevin is traveling a ton for work in September and I'm not traveling at all, so I have high hopes for that month. Either way, every single book I read in August came from my list and I feel very proud of that. I've officially taken 100 books off the list in some form or fashion since the start of the year and I think that's worth celebrating!
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There was one day earlier this month when I opened the front door and felt a slight chill. Now, I love summertime, but that moment gave me such a thrill. I am really looking forward to fall. I had my first PSL yesterday despite it being 90+ degrees outside and it just made me eager for sweaters and boots and scarves. I don't even care how basic that sounds.
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