Welcome to the Read.Write.Repeat. monthly wrap-up. Every month, I give a quick overview of what books I read, the progress made on my reading goals, a few book-related links, and general blog news.

Work has been going well. I'm still completely exhausted and working on adjusting to the fast pace of our firm, but I'm really enjoying the work and I think I'm going to be good at it. I feel like I have the logistics on the job down pretty well and now I'm working on adding context, the why of the what.
As we come to the close of the summer, I'm also recognize that the pace and plethora of commitments I've accumulated over the last few years of teaching part time are not going to be sustainable with my new job. I've been involved in so many great thing and I'm beginning to face the reality that I'm going to need to give some of them up if I want to remain sane. I'm still figuring out exactly what will stay and what will go. In that vein, I've made some decisions in regards to the blog...
I'm choosing to scale back the blog. It's not going away, because I don't want to leave the wonderful community of people I've found in the book blogging world and with whom I have great conversations about what I've been reading. However, I don't have time to do reviews for every book I read any more. At this point, I'm choosing to do reviews only for the books about which I really want to share my thoughts. That will scale back the frequency of posts intensely, but I'm hoping what will be left will be more worthwhile. In practicality, this likely means 1-2 book reviews per month rather than the 8-12 I've been doing for the last several years. The monthly updates will continue because I find them a great tracking mechanism and a great way to touch base with all you wonderful readers.
Ultimately, I'm hoping this means I'll break my reading slump. With the pressure of writing a review for every book I read removed, I think I'll be more apt to tear through things voraciously again and not have any fear associated with loading up my Kindle app. So, while you may see less of me here, hopefully that will mean I'm reading more, which is the whole point anyway.
July News
Life continues to move at a brisk pace for us. I so desperately love summer because it often brings chances to see people we don't get to see the rest of the year. This July has been no exception. We've seen so many dear friends and a good amount of family, too. We've especially gotten lots of great time with the little people in ours lives, several of whom got a copy of Our Great Big Backyard to enjoy this summer. Lots of them are getting old enough to actually know who we are and sit and read together, which I adore.
Work has been going well. I'm still completely exhausted and working on adjusting to the fast pace of our firm, but I'm really enjoying the work and I think I'm going to be good at it. I feel like I have the logistics on the job down pretty well and now I'm working on adding context, the why of the what.
As we come to the close of the summer, I'm also recognize that the pace and plethora of commitments I've accumulated over the last few years of teaching part time are not going to be sustainable with my new job. I've been involved in so many great thing and I'm beginning to face the reality that I'm going to need to give some of them up if I want to remain sane. I'm still figuring out exactly what will stay and what will go. In that vein, I've made some decisions in regards to the blog...
I'm choosing to scale back the blog. It's not going away, because I don't want to leave the wonderful community of people I've found in the book blogging world and with whom I have great conversations about what I've been reading. However, I don't have time to do reviews for every book I read any more. At this point, I'm choosing to do reviews only for the books about which I really want to share my thoughts. That will scale back the frequency of posts intensely, but I'm hoping what will be left will be more worthwhile. In practicality, this likely means 1-2 book reviews per month rather than the 8-12 I've been doing for the last several years. The monthly updates will continue because I find them a great tracking mechanism and a great way to touch base with all you wonderful readers.
Ultimately, I'm hoping this means I'll break my reading slump. With the pressure of writing a review for every book I read removed, I think I'll be more apt to tear through things voraciously again and not have any fear associated with loading up my Kindle app. So, while you may see less of me here, hopefully that will mean I'm reading more, which is the whole point anyway.
Books Reviewed
Books Read
- The 39 Clues: The Emperor's Code - Gordon Korman
- The 39 Clues: Storm Warning - Linda Sue Park
- Men Explain Things to Me - Rebecca Solnit
- The Smart One - Jennifer Close
- The 39 Clues: Into the Gauntlet - Margaret Peterson Haddix
- Autumn - Ali Smith
- The Gifts of Imperfection - Brené Brown
- 32 Yolks - Eric Ripert
- The Power - Naomi Alderman
Pages Read: 2,187
Favorite Book Read: The Gifts of Imperfection by Brené Brown was great. I found it so relatable and practical.
2018 Goals
- 1 Faith-Centered or Philosophical Book
The Gifts of Imperfection - Brené Brown - 1 Political of Issue-Driven Book
Men Explain Things to Me - Rebecca Solnit - 1 Book Written by a Minority Author
Autumn - Ali Smith (LGBT)
I also am trying to work my way through my TBR list. My goal is to get from 350 books on the list to 200. That means lowering that number by 13 in some form or fashion every month. Here's how that went this month:
- Books Read: 6
- Books Removed: 1
- Books Added: 4
- Total Count for the Month: -3
- Books Remaining on TBR: 259
This is the first month that I've missed the goal on this. Honestly, I could take an hour and cull through the list, but I don't have time for that this week. I'm really happy about my progress thus far. I'm ahead of schedule over all and am honestly running out of books I want to remove without reading. Now I've just got to get down to actually reading things!
Elsewhere Online...
I didn't bookmark anything this month.
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I'm really looking forward to August. We're heading to Michigan today to spend time with my in-laws and attend my cousin's wedding. I have a couple work trips and a weekend planned in D.C. with my very best friends. Plus, my birthday is in August and I'm a big birthday person. I really went back and forth on signing up for OTSP Secret Sister again, but I love the program and so I did. I'm really excited about my new sister and can't wait to start sending her stuff. Plus, my work with Pantsuit Politics is going really, really well and bringing me so much joy. It's going to be a good month.
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